Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gandhi Journal Article - II

THAMBI NAIDU - 'Lion Like' Satyagrahi in South Africa

By E. S. Reddy

One of the first satyagrahis in the movement of 1906-14 in South Africa and a most loyal and courageous colleague of Gandhiji was Govindasamy Krishnasamy Thambi Naidoo. Apart from defying the law and going to jail many times, he made a crucial contribution in mobilising the Tamils in the Transvaal to participate in the satyagraha and the workers in Natal to strike for the abolition of an unjust tax which caused enormous suffering.
Thambi Naidoo was born in 1875 in Mauritius where his parents had migrated from Madras Presidency. According to his daughter, Thayanayagie (known as Thailema), his father was a prosperous fertilisers and cartage contractor in Mauritius.

Mumbai Sarvodaya Mandal - Gandhi Book Centre – Gandhi Research Foundation
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Gandhi Journal Article - I

The relevance of Gandhian Economics to Modern India

The economic philosophy of Gandhi is written about, discussed and talked about. However, when it comes to implementation, it is criticized for being impractical and imaginary. For instance, the concept of trusteeship as enunciated by Gandhi demands non-possession. It seeks individual to dispossess his wealth and income beyond his requirements so that the economic welfare of the less capable is realized. The principle of non-possession and trusteeship is not realized practically because individuals are immensely attached to their wealth in the ordinary course of life. Gandhi and even later day Gandhians have not been able to find the root cause of attachment to wealth and its accumulation overtime.

Thought For The Day ( VILLAGES )

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Villages