GOING NATIVE - Gandhi's Relationship with Western Women : by Thomas Weber
Published by : Roli Books Pvt. Ltd.
Pages : 406
Price : Rs. 395/-
About the Book:
Gandhi’s relationship with women has proved irresistibly fascinating to many, but it is surprising how little scholarly work has been undertaken on his attitudes to and relationships with women. Going Native details Gandhi’s relationship with Western women, including those who inspired him, worked with him, supported him in his political activities in South Africa, or helped shape his international image. Of particular note are those women who ‘went native’ to live with Gandhi as close friends and disciples, those who were drawn to him because of a shared interest in celibacy, those who came seeking a spiritual master, or came because of mental confusion. Some joined him because they were fixated on his person rather than because of an interest in his social programme. Through these fascinating women, we get a different insight into Gandhi, who encouraged them to come and then was often captivated, and at times exasperated, by them.
About Author...
Thomas Weber is a Gandhian Scholar, a Reader in the Politics and International Relations programme at Melbourne's La Trobe University. He has been researching and writings on Gandhi's life, thought and legacy for almost thirty years. His Gandhi related publications include : The Shanti Sena: Philosophy, History and Action; On the Salt March : The Historiography of Gandhi's March to Dandi; Conflict Resolution and Gandhian Ethics; and Hugging the Trees: The Story of the Chipko Movement.