About 3,050 Students participated and took the pledge to work for Peace & Nuclear-free World

About 3,050 students from 80 colleges, social activists, and peace-loving citizens in the city marched from Azad Maidan to Hutatma Chowk today on Hiroshima Day. Peace march was organized by Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal and NSS Units of University of Mumbai & SNDT University to mark the 65th anniversary of the devastation of Hiroshima & Nagasaki with a deadly atomic attack by America during World War II & to join hands with the people of the world to make a nuclear-free world.

The devastation had such an effect that one lakh sixty thousand people were killed in the atom bombing leaving several thousands crippled. The after effects of the bombing and radiation claimed over three lakhs lives over the years.
Peace Rally was lead by the students carrying replica of Atom Bomb with a slogan ‘No Bomb – Save Earth’. Students from various colleges were also carrying play-cards and banners depicting slogans like “No More Hiroshima”, and “We want to grow up, not to blow up”. Peace rally was started from Azad Maidan and concluded at Hutatma Chowk where a Pledge was taken by more than 3,050 students to work for peace & a nuclear-free world. Prof. Ramesh Deokar, NSS Programme Officer, University of Mumbai, administrated the Pledge.