On the occasion of 61st Gandhi Death Anniversary
Record-Breaking Sale of Gandhi Books of Rs. 3,10,000/- worth in just 5 Days

There was an overwhelming response to Gandhi Books Exhibition-cum-Sale. Gandhi Books of worth Rs. 3,10,000/- were sold within last 5 days from 27th to 31st January. 'An Autobiography' of Mahatma Gandhi, and a set of five important books, 'Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi' were the top-selling books at the exhibition. About 3500 copies of 'Gandhi's Autobiography' and 210 copies of 'Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi' were sold. We were happy to note that most of those who frequented the stall were youngsters.
To commemorate Gandhi's 61st Death Anniversary, 300 books on & by Gandhi, Vinoba & Sarvodaya were displayed & sold at 50% discount by Mumbai Sarvodaya Mandal & Gandhi Book Centre with the financial assistance of ‘Babulnath Mandir Charities’ from 27th to 31st January at specially erected Mandap at Hutatma Chowk and at Gandhi Book Centre, Nana Chowk.
In the present context of increasing violence, terrorism & crime, Autobiography and other books of Mahatma Gandhi are inspiring many people all over the world. Gandhiji has left indelible footprints on the sand of time. Even after 61 years of his departure from the world, his thoughts and deeds have not waned.

More than 2.5 Lakh copies of 'An Autobiography' of Mahatma Gandhi in twelve Indian languages are being sold every year. After reading Gandhi books, many people have decided to follow the path of Truth and Non-Violence and are striving to sustain morality by practicing peaceful conflict resolution which is the need of the hour.